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Innovations Within The C&D Recycling Market
2024-07-18 -- One of the latest trends in the C&D recycling industry is the increased adoption of circular economy principles. This involves designing structures with their eventual deconstruction and material recovery in mind. -- [full text]
[American Recycler]

Final Rule - e-Manifest Amendments
2024-07-10 -- This rule amends certain aspects of the hazardous waste manifest regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, specifically about the e-Manifest system. -- [full text]

C&D Recycling Industry Faces Ongoing Challenges
2024-05-02 -- The C&D waste management market is projected to grow from $193.02 billion in 2023 to $206.4 billion in 2024, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.9 percent. Furthermore, the industry is expected to continue to grow to $271.68 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 7.1 percent. Today, concrete, metal, wood and asphalt are among the most recycled C&D materials, thanks to established recycling processes and a strong market demand for these recycled building components as the expansion of the construction industry is expected in the coming years. -- [full text]
[American Recycler]

EPA Launches New Website to Improve Transparency in Permitting
2024-04-08 -- The new site centralizes information about all EPA permitting programs, information on delegations of authority to states and descriptions of other requirements that are often applicable (such as Endangered Species Act and National Historic Preservation Act consultation). -- [full text]