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Beneficial Use News

Colorado city passes ordinance to reduce C&D waste
2024-12-31 -- The ordinance would require C&D projects with a disturbance area of 2,000 square feet or more to divert 100 percent of all possible recoverable materials from the Pitkin County Landfill and Solid Waste Center. -- [full text]
[Construction & Demolition Recycling]

Waste study finds one-third of C&D waste could be diverted
2024-10-21 -- A landfill study has found that one-third of all construction and demolition (C&D) waste could be diverted. -- [full text]
[Construction & Demolition Recycling]

Many Areas are Loosing C&D Waste Disposal Options
2024-09-23 -- The most urgent tasks are finding homes for municipal solid waste (MSW) before Brookhaven Landfill shutters and figuring out what to do with construction and demolition (C&D) debris even sooner; the site will no longer take C&D waste beginning at the end of this year. -- [full text]
[Waste 360]